Android Development Links



As said, Android makes use of multiple partitions. In the file system, they are represented by "directories", which serve as their mount-points:

| Partition   | Explanation               |  
| /boot       | kernel & Co.              |  
| /cache      | app cache                 |  
| /data       | user data partition¹      |  
| /data/data  | app data¹                 |  
| /dev        | devices²                  |  
| /mnt/asec   | encrypted apps (App2SD)   |  
| /mnt/emmc   | internal sdcard³          |  
| /mnt/sdcard | external sdcard³          |  
| /proc       | process information²      |  
| /recovery   | used in recovery mode     |  
| /system     | system ROM (read-only)    |  

As for the directories contained, I will again concentrate on a selection; most things here you either cannot touch without having your device rooted.

| Directory          | Explanation                                  |  
| /data/anr          | traces from app crashes (App Not Responding) |  
| /data/app          | .apk files of apps installed by the user     |  
| /data/backup       | Googles Cloud-Backup stuff                   |  
| /data/dalvik-cache | optimized versions of installed apps¹        |  
| /data/data         | app data²                                    |  
| /data/local        | temporary files from e.g. Google Play³       |  
| /data/misc         | system configuration (WiFi, VPN, etc.)       |  
| /data/system       | more system related stuff (certs, battstat)  |  
| /data/tombstones   | more crash stuff ("core dumps")              |  


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